Monday, June 30, 2008

Status Quo

There has not been much to write here as of can tell from the title of this little post.

We just talked with Elizabeth and Jacob and they seem to be doing fine for the time being. In fact, they are leaving today (with their Dad of course) for a 3 day camping trip to Montano de Oro near Morro Bay; one of my favorite places. Elizabeth is part of a group from PMC called "Shadow Riders". They are trailoring out their horses and will spend several days riding trails along the beach. Rick is very envious. They will be staying in tents, having cook outs, roasting marshmallows, singing around a all sounds wonderful. This will be the first time Steve has had any time off, other than days in court, which shouldn't be counted as time we hope they have a wonderful time.

The next court date is sometime the later part of July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.