Well, this morning Rick and my Dad took off for California. After Friday's hearing which was thrown out, they felt like they wanted to be there to support Steve, the kids and the rest of the family who have been there right along. (Todd, Julie and their kids) Steve's friend, Frank has been there as well. In fact, Frank just sent me a picture of Jacob taken with his IPhone. It shows Jacob asleep, leaning on Todd's shoulder. I guess he was not too concerned with what was going on.
After the judge threw that case out (which is becoming a habit), Steve spent a good hour and a half with his attorney. I can't go into details, since this should all be over one way or another this Tuesday. I can only say that we are constantly amazed at how the Lord is watching over us all. I don't know the reason for all this, but some day maybe we'll look back on it and be able to say "Oh...this is what the Lord was trying to teach us". I want to have a soft heart; one that the Lord is able to mold. My prayer has always been for the Lord to do whatever He has to to make me more like Him. I'm not sure I always thought about what this could mean. Steven and I were talking about this subject the other night. He said he doesn't know what the Lord is trying to teach him either, but he knows that 6 months ago, he would not have been able to go through this. He feels like he is a much stronger person now. As I look back on the last 6 months (has it only been 6 months...it seems like 6 years) I know that I am much closer to the Lord as well. I do want to remain faithful through all this. I don't want to have horrible feelings toward Tracy.
I want to see her come back to the Lord. She is after all, the mother of 2 of my grandchildren. If she doesn't repent, she will be sorry for all eternity.